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Who We Are
PCOS Relief is a charitable organisation (Charity Number: SC051494) that has been established to provide support and advice to those who have been diagnosed with any of the four types of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
PCOS Relief will assist bringing the forefront the actual condition itself and highlight the possible preventative measures and support that is available.
We will develop a strategy of Campaigns to raise awareness about PCOS and the impact it can have on females. We will be doing this by engaging with Independent Medical Professionals as well as the NHS and the Scottish / UK Government to reach out to the wider public.

Our Purposes

At PCOS Relief, we focus on advancing PCOS education, promoting health, and fostering equality. We collaborate with professionals and communities to collect data, provide resources for symptom management, and raise awareness—particularly within Ethnic Minority communities
Promoting the Advancement of Education
PCOS Relief will be engaging with Independent Medical Professionals, the NHS and the Scottish and UK Government to advance education.
Promoting the Advancement of Health
PCOS Relief will promote and encourage Health and Wellbeing. We want to provide resources on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Promoting the Promotion of Equality & Diversity
PCOS Relief want to provide a platform where Ethnic Minority communities can come and seek advise and support with confidence.

Did you Know?

Worldwide, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects 1 in 10 women, making it the most common endocrine disorder in women of childbearing age.
Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, has become a common problem among ethnic minority women in the past few years. One in every five ethnic minority women is affected by this condition.

Common Signs of PCOS

Menstrual Irregularities

This can involve missed periods, infrequent or frequent periods, heavy periods, or unpredictable periods


PCOS is a prevalent cause of female infertility

Oily Skin

The skin can be excessively oily in women with PCOS


Up to 80% of women with PCOS are overweight or obese

Persistent Acne

Severe acne or acne that persists beyond adolescence and does not respond to standard treatments.

Acanthosis Nigricans

Darkened, velvety, thickened patches of skin, most commonly found in body creases such as the neck, armpits, and groin.


A condition characterized by excessive hair growth on the face, chest, abdomen, or upper thighs, affects over 70% of women with PCOS

Ovarian Cysts

Multiple small fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries. However, having ovarian cysts alone does not confirm a PCOS diagnosis, as many women without PCOS have cysts, while others with PCOS do not

Hear what our members say

Empowering Experiences: Hear the Inspiring Testimonials from Our Valued Members
"It was indeed a great event and experience to hear about PCOS for the very first time. It was insightful and well knowledgeable to aware that the women could still have support & hope of giving birth even after having PCOS. Thank you so much for the information given by the facilitator and the Doctor presented @ the event. We really appreciate & love it. Thank you."
Comfort F
"I was originally diagnosed with this condition when I was sixteen years of age, and I am now thirty five. Throughout the years I have never been given any support or follow up scans unless I have had a scan through a separate medical condition. PCOS Relief was able to guide me on who to speak with and how to go about it – THANK YOU"
Sarah B
"I have had PCOS since I was a young girl and now, I am 40, I never had any support on how to manage my condition and I felt completely let down. When I saw, PCOS Relief website, I contacted them and they supported with my weight journey and diet, I can not thank them enough, they make you feel supported and assured that you are important to them."
Simran S
"PCOS Relief is a charity that cares about the individual, they make their services fit for everyone and supports them according to their journey. They provide lots of information on Nutrition, Weight, Skincare and more."
Jenny R
"Coming from an Asian background and being diagnosed with PCOS is externally difficult but when I contacted PCOS Relief, they supported me in confidence and I could not thank them enough, everyone is so kind, understanding and patient."
Ayesha A
"It was indeed a great event and experience to hear about PCOS for the very first time. It was insightful and well knowledgeable to aware that the women could still have support & hope of giving birth even after having PCOS. Thank you so much for the information given by the facilitator and the Doctor presented @ the event. We really appreciate & love it. Thank you."
Comfort F
"I was originally diagnosed with this condition when I was sixteen years of age, and I am now thirty five. Throughout the years I have never been given any support or follow up scans unless I have had a scan through a separate medical condition. PCOS Relief was able to guide me on who to speak with and how to go about it – THANK YOU"
Sarah B
"I have had PCOS since I was a young girl and now, I am 40, I never had any support on how to manage my condition and I felt completely let down. When I saw, PCOS Relief website, I contacted them and they supported with my weight journey and diet, I can not thank them enough, they make you feel supported and assured that you are important to them."
Simran S
"PCOS Relief is a charity that cares about the individual, they make their services fit for everyone and supports them according to their journey. They provide lots of information on Nutrition, Weight, Skincare and more."
Jenny R
"Coming from an Asian background and being diagnosed with PCOS is externally difficult but when I contacted PCOS Relief, they supported me in confidence and I could not thank them enough, everyone is so kind, understanding and patient."
Ayesha A
Currently there is no known cause or cure for being diagnosed with PCOS